Since time immemorial, the culture of circle has been rooted in the DNA of indigenous and maroon people. Circles create sacred spaces to remember and honor ancestral knowledge as well as address trauma, harm, conflict and activate the healing process between unlikely relations and within broken families and communities.
Fondation Espoir's signature healing circles are proactive, inclusive and expansive spaces that invite engagement, courage and grit. Circles integrate light and shadow and provide an opportunity to put into practice what the philosopher-theologian Josiah Royce called “The Beloved Community”. This community later championed by Dr. Martin Luther King is not comprised solely of like minded people, but also embraces unlikely relationships and those who challenge us with different belief systems.
Circles serve as a powerful tool for personal and organizational transformation that also facilitate increased levels of group trust and integration. Circles embody our ability to “see” “hear” and “be here” as we work through profound differences and deep divides. We welcome all those willing to sit in shared humility, honesty, accountability, and compassion.